How to become a pilot in india after 12th

How to become a pilot in india after 12th

How to become a pilot in india after 12th

Hello student today you have search that How to become a pilot in india after 12th. Because there are many student Who clear there 12th Graduation and they are thing about  career. So there are many student who has decided to become pilot. In this post I will tell all the thing which all students have to know. If any students not decided Then you can see other post Regarding carrer. There are many student that they know  that how much does pilots get and many question student have in their mind that How to become a pilot in india after 12th  requires several steps and qualifications. Here is a general outline of the process:

Complete your 12th standard education: You must complete your 12th standard education in science stream with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects.

Obtain a Student Pilot License (SPL): After completing your 12th standard, you need to apply for an SPL from the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) approved flying club or institute. The minimum age requirement to obtain SPL is 16 years.

Complete Flying Training: You will need to complete flying training at a DGCA-approved flying school or institute. The training includes both ground training and flying training.

Obtain a Private Pilot License (PPL): After completing your flying training, you need to apply for a PPL. The minimum age requirement to obtain PPL is 17 years.

Gain Experience: To become a commercial pilot, you need to gain flight experience. You can gain experience by working as a flight instructor or by working for airlines as a co-pilot.

Obtain a Commercial Pilot License (CPL): To become a commercial pilot, you need to apply for a CPL. The minimum age requirement to obtain CPL is 18 years.

Apply for a Job: After obtaining your CPL, you can apply for a job with airlines. You may need to undergo additional training before you can fly commercially.

This are the basic thing which have to remember for every student the process of becoming a pilot in India can take several years and requires a significant investment of time and money which is very important to know for every student because many student do not have patients and the main thing is money which all parents do not concide this much for Student to becoming pilot So remember this point . It's important to do thorough research and consider all options before committing to this career path.

Elegibility to become a pilot

The main thing that to become a pilot, there are several eligibility criteria that you need to meet. These criteria may vary depending on the country and the type of pilot license you wish to obtain. Here are some general requirements such as Age, Education, Medical fitness, English Proficiency, Flight Training, Flight Experience etc. This are the thing which are the eligibility to become a Pilot in india After 12th

Age: The minimum age requirement to obtain a private pilot license (PPL) is 17 years, while the minimum age requirement to obtain a commercial pilot license (CPL) is 18 years.

Education: You must have completed your 10+2 education with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects. Some flight schools may require you to have completed a bachelor's degree as well.

Medical Fitness: You must be medically fit to fly. You need to undergo a medical examination conducted by a DGCA approved medical examiner to ensure that you meet the medical standards set by the DGCA.

English Proficiency: You must be proficient in English, as it is the language of international aviation.

Flight Training: You need to complete the required flight training hours as specified by the aviation authority in your country.

Flight Experience: To obtain a CPL, you must have a minimum of 200 hours of flight experience, including a certain number of hours of solo flight time.

Clearing the Written and Practical Exams: You need to pass written and practical exams to obtain a pilot license.

It's important to note that the eligibility criteria may vary based on the type of pilot license and the country you are in. Therefore, it is essential to research the specific requirements for the type of pilot license you want to obtain.

How much does salary pilot gets:

This topic clear your all the thing that How much does salary does get. The salary of a pilot can vary widely depending on a variety of factors, such as their level of experience, the type of aircraft they fly, and the airline they work for. Here are some general guidelines on pilot salaries:

1. Entry-level pilots with a CPL and no experience can expect to earn between INR 2 lakh to INR 4 lakh per year.

2. Experienced pilots with 5-10 years of experience can earn anywhere from INR 8 lakh to INR 20 lakh per year.

3. Captains or senior pilots with over 10 years of experience and flying larger aircrafts can earn salaries ranging from INR 15 lakh to INR 50 lakh per year.

4. Pilots working for international airlines or in countries like the US or the Middle East can earn significantly higher salaries.

It's important to note that these figures are just general estimates, and the actual salary of a pilot may vary depending on various factors such as the airline's policies and the pilot's experience and expertise

Books for Becoming a pilot

Books for Becoming a pilot

After all step I will recomended to every student to reads Books to Becoming pilot. If you do not that which book is sufficent then I will provide some books name  in below which Helps you To Becoming a pilot There are several books that can help you on your journey to becoming a pilot. Here are some recommendations:

The Pilots Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge: This book covers the basic principles of flight, aerodynamics, aircraft systems, aviation weather, and navigation. It is a must-read for anyone pursuing a career in aviation.

Airplane Flying Handbook: This book is published by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) and covers everything you need to know about flying an airplane, including takeoff and landing, flight maneuvers, and emergency procedures.

Instrument Flying Handbook: This book covers the fundamentals of instrument flying, including navigation, communication, and approach procedures. It is a useful resource for pilots pursuing an instrument rating.

Aircraft Systems for Pilots: This book provides a detailed overview of aircraft systems, including electrical, hydraulic, and fuel systems. It is a useful resource for pilots looking to gain a better understanding of how their aircraft works.

Meteorology for Pilots: This book covers the fundamentals of meteorology, including weather systems, cloud types, and atmospheric phenomena. It is an essential resource for pilots looking to gain a better understanding of weather patterns and their impact on flight.

Cockpit Confidential: Everything You Need to Know About Air Travel: This book by Patrick Smith offers an insider's look into the aviation industry and covers topics such as airline safety, pilot training, and air traffic control.

These books can provide valuable knowledge and insight into various aspects of aviation, and can be useful for both aspiring and experienced pilots. 

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